Chasing Pat Phelan - led to a great surprise: Tweekaboo

Season 1, Episode 2009,   Oct 18, 2012, 10:26 AM


#PatPhelan @patphelan #EugeneMurphy #Tweekaboo #IanCleary @ianmcleary After hovering in hope of a word with CEO of Cubic Telecom - Tweekaboo becomes the focus of this Audioboo. Really interesting prospect for families... #Path is discussed with #Facebook ... #MarkHennessy CTO & #EugeneMurphy Founder of #Tweekaboo speak of the difference their App offers... Paul does his best to present #Audioboo to Eugene & Mark of Tweekaboo... dropping #MarkRock name into the mix... Big shout-out for #Pixengo too... We talk families & #moshimonsters. You hear Paul getting #michaelactonsmith name muddled... "Put your content in the cloud - we'll storify it" says Eugene Murphy of Tweetaboo ... At the end of this conversation there is an amazing discovery - so listen right the way through #changeagents #websummit #websummitdiary