Brian Tansley on GEM-AM

Episode 682,   Mar 22, 2013, 01:20 PM


Award-winning Brian Tansley was a familiar voice on Nottingham's Radio Trent, GEM-AM and BBC Radio Nottingham from the 1970s onwards.

With a solid reputation in sports reporting and a love of football, he also relished his music shows. His enthusiasm for and knowledge of 60s music was clear to hear; and he'd never hear a word said against the Shadows.

Brian produced all his shows painstakingly; and was a perfectionist. He was most annoyed by poor preparation; and the Radio Trent car park. For many years, he co-hosted the Saturday afternoon sports programme on Trent, and he'd stride purposefully into Studio A armed with the latest promo on a black AA2 cart, requesting that it be played after the next ad break.

Many programmes were prefaced with the famous 'To the Batmobile' announcement, just before his accapella name-check, indicative of the era he loved.

At BBC Radio Nottingham, a station he'd appeared on back in its earliest days, he went on to broadcast at lunchtimes to the City he loved and understood.

Brian died on 22nd March 2013.