The Offside Rule 2013/14 Episode 8
Here's one to think about. Your favourite football story this season as a well-known film: 'Stand by Me' for David Moyes perhaps? Or how about 'Good Will Hunting' for Chelsea's steal of the player Spurs thought they'd snaffled? Not only do Lynsey Hooper, Kait Borsay and Hayley McQueen bring you more of those, there's hope for all football fans in Manchester with talk of a tortoise and a hare. Don't worry you'll get it. Also on the agemda (yes I really did) are sparkles and precious metals. This isn't all girly indulgence, promise. Faye Carruthers plays ticket fairy in Twitter Topic of the Week and the excellent Rhiannon Jones fills us in on all things La Liga. You can find us on Twitter @OffsideRulePod peek at our Facebook page 'The Offside Rule' and don't forget to steal a look at our fantastic new website Out every Thursday. #Football #Soccer #PremierLeague #Women #Championship #League #Ladies #England #Arsenal #Chelsea #Tottenham #Liverpool #ManchesterUnited #ManchesterCity #LynseyHooper #KaitBorsay #HayleyMcQueen #FayeCarruthers #RhiannonJones #LaLiga #Everton #RossBarkley #HullCity #Wolves #JoseMourinho #FAWSL #ContinentalCup