Champaign Bar with Robert 12 Oct 2013 @GuideDogVance @rjnet

Nov 20, 2013, 10:54 PM


Join me and my lovely #boyfriend, #Robert, as we drink #Champagne at the bar at St Pancras #Station, #London, after playing the #piano downstairs, which I posted a few weeks ago. We went to #celebrate being together for #6months on 14 October, but that was a Monday, hence celebrating two days early. I#taste a couple of Champagnes before deciding on one and we also try #ChilliBeans. We can hear the piano downstairs in the background, as well as occasional station #announcements, which have an amazing #stereo #echo, and the chink of Champagne #glasses.

Robert enjoys telling me about the station’s #architecture, as well as making a short #video of the #Eurostar #platform on our left, then the #roof and #ironwork, which are really interesting … apparently. ;)

Robert also says the resonant voice on one particular #announcement reminds him of the Bishop of London and there’s a brief discussion about #HarvestFestivals and the length of Eurostar platforms and the #trains, which are far too long to fit on them. #StPancras #Fi #happy #together