The Offside Rule 2013/14 Episode 27
A Russian import this week, and a West Brom-supporting Bundesliga expert - Kate Partridge joins Lynsey Hooper and Kait Borsay for another weekly episode of The Offside Rule (We Get It!). As England prepares for another World Cup Kate gets tapped up for German intelligence - find out which Bundesliga players you should be looking out for. Then fast forward to the European Championships and pick up some little known facts ahead of France 2016. Oh and before it all gets too much spare a thought for football folk who have been reduced to tears, it could get emotional folks. Mina Rzouki delivers the latest from Serie A and Sean Thorne is back with our Twitter Topic of the Week. There is fresh content to discover every day at and via Twitter @OffsideRulePod. And do pop over to our Facebook page, 'The Offside Rule'. Out every Thursday.
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