Mala Mukherji Part 2- Therapy Has Started

Season 1, Episode 17,   Jun 15, 2015, 08:37 PM

"We have our life experiences not to tear us down, but to find a higher octave of peace. So running away from what occurred or trying to avoid what occurred didnt make sense to me. It goes back to the truth. what is the truth of it?”- Mala Mukherji.

In Part 2 of our interview with Mala, our conversation hits new depths and really takes off in a space of exploration. In the break between, Mala and Arjun took a shot of tequila to connect, or celebrate, or just live life. It triggers a question regarding drinking for Akaash, and the ensuing conversation around alcohol, addiction, and self set the tone for the ensuing 40 minutes of time spent together.

Akaash and Arjun tackle her relationship with her father and what state it is in now. Mala breaks explains that years of introspection has led to looking at this man, and all people, with an understanding that they are doing their best. Is their best always positive and healthy? No. But they are doing their best in that moment with the limitations they hold. It’s a stunningly compassionate, truthful, and strong way at looking at the world.

This quickly became one of the episodes we feel is important. We love what we do and every guest that comes on brings something special, unique and fun. But some become personally important for what they mean to us. Arjun particularly found meaning as we addressed things he battles. As a man who is seeking self, talking with her about that journey and where she is now, was incredibly resonant. Our discussion of enlightenment and how accessible it is was encouraging. Her compassion for her father and the abuse she was subject to, was eye-opening. Her desire to help the world stop being afraid to “sit in the murky” as she calls it, is inspiring. This is not going to be a synopsis where we tell you details of what happens, because if you are still reading, then stop. just press play. right now.