LBC 9/7/15 - @ShelaghFogerty i/v Lucy Duckworth of VSCP about #IICSAinquiry. Patronage appointments?

Jul 09, 2015, 05:22 PM

A curates egg interview with Lucy Duckworth.. Some of Lucy's responses to Shelagh Fogarty are simply unintelligible. Decide for yourself.

The answer to the question at 1'.35" should cause us all concern. How could anyone apply for a role on the 'VSCP' when it had no pathfinder ToRs and still has none as Lucy reveals? Furthermore, how could Inquiry personnel interview applicants for their suitability when they had no idea what they were interviewing for? It's not possible. We therefore have to conclude these are nothing more than appointments made on patronage i.e., 'does the face fit?' What else could it be? It is an absurd basis on which to make appointments to an important panel. It undermines the credibility of the Victims Survivors Consultative Panel and self harms IICSA.

The role of the VSCP is very limited, but not according to Lucy as she makes plain in this interview. It's cause for significant concern. The VSCP is being over sold and compromised simultaneously. Read our posting from 13th April 2015 about it - .