Re-release: Omi Vaidya-From Joshua Tree to Bollywood

Season 1, Episode 33,   Aug 17, 2015, 02:58 PM

Since we started "American Desis," our new listeners have missed out on some amazing content we had with "Indian, American." We also at that time did not have a space for the community to engage with the interviews. Today that all changes. We will now release once a month an old interview and be able to discuss in a few days how it stands up and get your thoughts! First up: Omi Vaidya, Bollywood Star.

Bollywood is the world’s largest film industry, with over 800 films made a year. It has captured the imagination of millions of people and been portrayed in many lenses….but not this one. Our first interview takes us into the life of an American born actor who becomes a Bollywood star. Meet Omi Vaidya. We dive into what it was like growing up the only Indian in a small town in California and how that shaped him as he entered the glamorous yet strange world of Indian Cinema.

*We cut out the original follow up discussion and will do another follow up in a few days, to see if we glean anything different from the interview today than we did a year ago. So hit us up and give us your thoughts!