This is Money Show: The Rolls-Royce & cold calls edition
The Rolls-Royce edition.
What's so special about a £250,000 Rolls-Royce? We asked the luxury car maker to explain the appeal of its new Dawn convertible and tell us more about its Made in England success story.
The somewhat less salubrious subject of how to beat cold callers is also on the agenda this week, as Simon Lambert, and Rachel Rickard Straus, of This is Money, join Georgie Frost in the Share radio studios for the weekly whip through the money news.
We ask why people wouldn't sell their own homes to save £7,000 over a High Street estate agent and take a look at whether the new national Living Wage is a good or bad idea. Oh, and there's a new Bentley 4x4 too - which readers aren't quite so sold on.
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#RollsRoyce #BentleyBentayga #coldcallers #LivingWage #bestbanks