Kate Mosse THE TAXIDERMISTS DAUGHTER A Revenge Thriller with Donna Freed on Radio Gorgeous

Sep 22, 2015, 08:02 AM


Kate Mosse THE TAXIDERMISTS DAUGHTER A Revenge Thriller with Donna Freed on Radio Gorgeous

Kate Mosse's seventh novel takes place among the rising waters of the Fishbourne marshes in 1912 Sussex. It is a gothic revenge thriller set in the strictly codified years just prior to World War 1. Connie Gifford, daughter of the taxidermist, lost her memory 10 years ago but the horrifying consequences of that night are emerging and threatening to engulf her.

Coming up: Part 2: Kate Mosse writes about the 11 missing days of Agatha Christie for bbc.com

Follow Kate she is very popular @katemosse

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