Videogame BANG! Episode 72: Make it Gritty!
Welcome to the itty bitty gritty committee! This week we have snapped the Eddie Murphy curse and come back stronger than ever with Cory Vincent, Aaron Carter, The Real David Webb, and Steven Gootz!
This week we are talking about a few of our favorite things.. we got Mass Effect 4 speculation, a our views on a new guitar hero?? Has it been long enough? Is Guitar Hero what will end #Gamergate?! We also talk in depth about the Gritty Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers film circulating the internet, The Fast and the Furious and Oh so much more!
As we said, some big changes coming to the show in March and a big announcement coming soon on a way you can get involved with VGB and take the show to infinity and beyond!
Have a great week nerds!