Videogame BANG! Episode 66: VGB and the Crystal Balls

Jan 15, 2015, 05:51 AM

Things get sticky for Cory and Aaron as they pull out their crystal balls in anticipation for whats to come in the gaming world in 2015. Joined by Jada and The Real David Webb the crew talks about all things geek and games from the President of the United States desire to combat cyber bad guys, to all of the latest and greatest news coming out of Nintendo Direct.

We talk about our latest review projects, how awesome everyone who listens to the show is on Twitter and how they have uncovered Sir Aaron Carters awesome #EddieMuffy mustache pictures from the internet. As always we could not do this show with out you guys, thanks for all the support and we will continue to reward you guys with giveaways and fun events throughout the year.