001 - How to Get Recruited, and Other High School Woes
In Episode 1, the Short and Snarky Coxswains talk about Cam Newton and the Carolina Panthers' training that involves a rower's loathsome foe... The Erg.
We interview Emily Burkett -- Rowing Coach of a Scholastic Nationals Winning Boat in 2015, Cal Graduate, NCAA Champion, Bronze Winner at 2001 Youth Nationals, Oreo Aficionado, Owner of a Dog Who Hates Water, and Close Friend.
This episode, and every episode of the Way Nuff Podcast is written and produced by the Short and Snarky Coxswains.
Produced by: James Pietragallo Music by: James Pietragallo
Twitter: @ShortandSnarky Instagram: @shortandsnarkyrowing Facebook: The Short and Snarky Coxswains Find our Book on Amazon!: The Short and Snarky Guide to Coxing and Rowing