Teen Wolf "The Maid of Gevaudan" Review

Feb 27, 2016, 10:37 PM


#TeenWolf Season 5 Episode 18 The Pack are trying to figure out how to defeat the Beast of Gévaudan that the Maid of Gévaudan, Marie-Jeanne Valet, faced in 1765. As Gerard Argent, recounts Valet's story to Scott's pack in hopes they can deduce the creature's weaknesses.

#TeenWolf #MTV #ScottMcCall #StilesStilinski #LydiaMartin #MaliaTate #TheoRaeken #LiamDunbar #JordanParrish #ChrisArgent #KiraYukimura #TeenWolfCast #TylerPosey #DylanOBrien #HollandRoden #ShelleyHennig #CodyChristian #DylanSprayberry #JRBourne #ArdenCho #Horror #Werewolf #Mythology #Review #VarietyRadioOnline #TheVRO #MaidofGevaudan #MarieJeanneValet #CrystalReed