KEEP IT 100 GIRL - EPISODE 8 - What is the Menstrual Cup Stuff About?

Mar 01, 2016, 02:51 PM


This is for all the post-puberty and pre-menopausal posse. Your monthly cycle may feel like a runaway train. But I promise you it’s not. You can tame this beast. It all about information and action. Our monthly struggle is real…I am talking to all the women with a regular period who bleed every month. I chose this subject today because I consider myself a veteran now who’s been doing this period thing for decades, but it was only this year my virgin ears got wind of this menstrual cup phenomenon that’s growing in interest among younger women.

Today’s spotlight is Bree Farmer known as the menstrual cup diva. She’s a YouTuber who is a real women giving real advice by chronicling her period pain, describing her symptoms, and intake of meds.

#menstruationmatters #healthyperiods #periods #womenshealth #thedivacup #periodpositive #wombwisdom #womenproblems #hormonehealth #fact #tips #education #health #menstrualcup #pamperyourperiod #lenacup #periodtalk #periodcup #cuplove #periodstories #helloflo