Videogame BANG! Episode 37: Kim Jong BANG! w/ Lucas Schuneman

Jun 26, 2014, 05:37 AM

What's up Pizzas?! It sure feels great to say that after a week of VGB vacation our battery packs have been fully recharged and its time to get back to trying to jump start WW3 with North Korea and talking about video games! Aaron Carter is with me as always along with two of our regular panelists: David Ng and Alexander Baggs.

With a week off you know there is a lot to talk about and not very much time, so we jump into the top gaming stories from across the interwebz along with a spirited round of everyone's favorite uncle, Whattcha Playin'?! Where for the first time in VGB history Cory is actually playing video games.. I guess a week off can do a body good.

After the break we hit you hard and fast with a very awesome special guest named Lucas Schuneman. Now you may not know this mans face, but if you are a nerd you have heard his voice! Maybe you will recognize him as 'Papa' from Cooking Mama? Perhaps Comrad Vasquez from Tropico 4? And if you still don't know who I'm talking about how about Vice-Admiral Onigumo from a little show called one piece?! We met this man at an airport and he opened our eyes to some amazing tips and tricks of how to make it as a voice actor and he joins us to talk shop, and gives us some awesome in site to a few projects he has lined up. We went so long in the interview that we had to use the power of post production to cut it down, but fear not! The full interview will be released later on in the week.

After the interview an old segment of the show makes its valiant return, and leaves the panel is amazement and wonderosity. There was literally too much going on this week and not enough time so we had to put an extra 5 mins on the clock, I hope this doesn't upset you! And if it does well too bad, just sit back, relax and listen to this weeks Videogame BANG!

For More Lucas Schuneman: