Out and about on St Patricks Day : Chat and music with fiddler Rowan Piggott
We catch up with fiddler Rowan Piggott at an Irish whiskey tasting event in Regency Town House, Hove on St Patrick's Day organised by City Reads Brighton and Hove in honour of this year's selected book The Good Son by Paul McVeigh.
We chat about Rowan's background and about the different types of fiddle playing styles. Rowan also performs two songs for us!
What's the Craic is a weekly Irish radio show that broadcasts on Brighton's Radio Reverb on 97.2FM, DAB and online at radioreverb.com. You can hear it live Mondays at 8pm or catch the repeat on Tuesdays at 3pm or Saturdays at 1am GMT. You can follow us on Twitter at @whatsthecraicrr or on facebook.com/whatsthecraicrr for up to date news on whats coming up on the show and to get in touch with us.
#Brighton #Hove #Sussex #Irish #podcast #music #fiddles #livemusic #traditional