FM Podcast 11: Werewolves/THE HOWLING Interviews with Joe Dante & Dee Wallace
We love us some Werewolves at Famous Monsters, evident by our reunion features on THE HOWLING in the current issue (#285) and AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON in the last issue (#284) of the magazine -- plus coverage of the CRY HAVOC comic book in #285. In this podcast, we speak with THE HOWLING director Joe Dante and its star, Dee Wallace, about the making of the classic 1981 horror flick. We also dive into the world of Werewolves in movies, TV, and comics. Hosted by Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine’s Executive Editor David Weiner alongside FM’s Caroline Stephenson (our resident Werewolf fanatic) and Cameron Hatheway.
Joe Dante interview - [7:21]
Dee Wallace interview - [14:08]
General Werewolf discussion - [25:19]
Buy FAMOUS MONSTERS #284 & 285 at CaptainCo!
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