4/21/16 Procedurally Generated

Apr 22, 2016, 01:47 AM


Henry Bell is out on assignment this week, so John Carson fills in as host while he, Tom Schreier and Brandon Bowling talk about Dark Souls going on and then offline, Kerbal Space Program getting an update and the new Playstation 4.5 Neo (!!!) edition.

Also, the guys discuss Alex St. John's reluctance to pay game developers because they are artists, the death of Gamefront and an ugly legal dispute between Studio Wildcard and Trendy Entertainment. Plus Hearthstone card nerfs!

Follow the show on Twitter (@pgshow), as well as John (@JohnCarson) and Tom (@tschreier3). Also, follow Cold Omaha on Twitter (@ColdOmahaMN) and be sure to like our Facebook page.

Thanks! And, as always, game on.