19th May 2016 - Fevzi Turkalp the Gadget Detective discusses the pros and cons of Android Pay with Rhod Sharp on BBC Radio 5 Live Up All Night
The Gadget Detective discusses the pros and cons of Android Pay, the new cashless payment system, with Rhod Sharp on Up All Night on BBC Radio 5 Live - 19th May 2016
#Fevzi #Turkalp #FevziTurkalp #Gadget #Detective #GadgetDetective #BBC #Radio #5 #Live #BBCRadio5Live #UpAllNight #Rhod #Sharp #RhodSharp #Android #Google #Pay #AndroidPay #Tap #TapAndPay #Credit #Debit #Card #Security #NFC #Transaction #Payment #Cash #Cashless #Risk #Money #Mobile #Phone #Apple #ApplePay #Samsung #SamsungPay