19th May 2016 - Fevzi Turkalp the Gadget Detective discusses the shocking Pavlok wristband with Bill Buckley on BBC Radio Berkshire

May 19, 2016, 01:05 PM


The Gadget Detective discusses Intelligent Environments' Pavlok wristband, a device that can shock the wearer when reaching their bank account overspend limit, with Bill Buckley on BBC Radio Berkshire - 19th May 2016

#Fevzi #Turkalp #FevziTurkalp #Gadget #Detective #GadgetDetective #Bill #Buckley #BillBuckley #BBC #Radio #Berkshire #Intelligent #Environments #IntelligentEnvironments #Pavlok #Pavloc #wearable #wristband #electroshock #shock #electric #Pavlov #Pavlovian #Bank #Account #Overdraft #Overspend #Limit #Money #Cash #InternetOfThings #Internet #Things #Device #trigger #Security #Concept