WMAL Interview - JOHN FUND 05.31.16
Jun 01, 2016, 05:13 PM
INTERVIEW — JOHN FUND – national-affairs columnist for National Review
Libertarian Party selects Gary Johnson, William Weld for presidential ticket. ORLANDO, Fla. — Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson and former Massachusetts Gov. William Weld secured the Libertarian Party’s respective nominations for president and vice president Sunday, capping off the party’s weekend-long biennial convention.
According to NY Times: If Gary Johnson reaches 15% in polls, he’ll be on debate stage with Trump, Clinton. He’s now in 10-11% range. NYT: Political analysts were taken by surprise this spring when two separate polls showed Gary Johnson, the former New Mexico governor and the 2012 Libertarian Party nominee, pulling 10 percent and 11 percent of the national vote. The party chose Mr. Johnson again as its standard-bearer at its nominating convention on Sunday. If he can get to 15 percent in polls, he can stand on the debate stage as the first third-party candidate to do so since Mr. Perot in 1992. The feat would provide a bounty of free news media attention for a party that does not have the money for expensive advertising or voter-outreach efforts.