WMAL Interview - HANS VON SPAKOVSKY - 06.07.16

Jun 08, 2016, 06:17 PM



  • A former counsel to the assistant attorney general for civil rights in the Justice Department
  • former commissioner for the Federal Election Commission from 2006 to 2007
  • senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation

The Zombie Voter Apocalypse: California Refuses to Admit Its Voter Fraud Problem

Hans von Spakovsky / @HvonSpakovsky

CBS reports that California is the only state that does not comply with the Help America Vote Act of 2002, something the Obama administration has basically ignored.

Hollywood has always loved making films about the walking dead, but in Southern California it appears they have a real life problem with “zombie” voters.

An investigation by CBSLA2 and KCAL9 found that hundreds of deceased persons are still on voter registration rolls in the area, and that many of these names have been voting for years in Los Angeles.

For example, John Cenkner died in 2003, according to Social Security Administration records, yet he voted in the 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, and 2010 elections. His daughter told the station that she was “astounded” and couldn’t “understand how anybody” could get away with this.

Another voter, Julita Abutin, died in 2006 but voted in 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2014. According to CBS, the county confirmed they have “signed vote-by-mail envelopes” from Abutin since she passed away. So either someone has been forging her signature or her ghost has quite an earthly presence.

The investigation revealed that 265 deceased persons voted in Southern California, 215 of them in Los Angeles County.