Hart Family Vault 6.10.16: Jake Roberts pt 2., Bret Remembers Muhammad Ali, More
Hart Family Vault 6.10.16 Host: WWE Hall of Famer Bret "Hitman" Hart Co-hosts: Blade Hart & Nick Hausman Guest: Jake "The Snake" Roberts
Today's episode starts with Bret sharing his personal memories of the great Muhammad Ali following his passing.
Bret, Blade & Nick then play part two of their interview with WWE Hall of Famer Jake "The Snake" Roberts.
During the second part of their conversation they discuss:
- Jake's memories of working with Macho Man Randy Savage
- What is was like to work with Andre the Giant
- Who Jake would have liked to work with that he never got to
- Jake creating the DDT
- Stu Hart's love of teaching green talent to wrestle
- The house that Jake and Bret used to rent together early in their career
- More... This episode then wraps up with Bret giving his "4 Out Of 10" for the week as well as answering a question from one lucky fan.
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