Celtic Underground - Repealing OBFA with James Kelly MSP
The Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Act 2012 was introduced by the SNP and passed by MSPs by 64 votes to 57 without any opposition support. Labour, the Tories, Lib Dems and the Scottish Greens said the bill was "railroaded" and the Scottish Government has since faced calls for an early review into how the legislation is working. It has been challenged on the grounds that it compromises the principle of free speech. In June 2013, The Herald described it as "knee-jerk legislation" which needed to be revisited, arguing that "Scotland cannot arrest its way out of sectarianism". Fans groups have also raised concerns about the law.
Following the loss of an overall SNP majority in May Labour stated their intention to repeal the act and the man leading the charge is James Kelly MSP.
If you are interested in the repeal of this act, contact your MSP or James by email, letter or at a surgery. James can be found on twitter - @JameskellyLab
ALSO, last week we stated our intention to get your music and your Celtic stories on the podcast and the first band to contact us were The Urchins and this is their YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5j4SO6FnnZp_NtPOGEt3ig
#CelticFC #SPFL #Soccer #MSP #JamesKelly #OBFA #SNP