Episode 265 :: The Bun IS The Fish!

Jun 15, 2016, 12:00 AM

The Nerdy Show Network’s flagship podcast unloads on the latest geek news and happenings!

This episode we're all about awesome new TV and movies, savory snacks (with and without fish), and sci-tech. Discover whether Preacher is expanding the classic comic story or veering wildly off-course, thrill to our first taste of the new Voltron, and the main event: Warcraft - is it good?! Let Nerdy Show's Warcraft review steer you right.

Join Cap, bor, Denika, and Brandon as they abolish fun and violate you with cold hard facts such as the Reptillian conspiracy of Build-A-Bear, and why vacuum tubes are the future. Plus there's awesome new versions of old video games, the resurrected flavor of our favorite ghostly fruit drink, the potential of orcs in cars, and the continuing adventures of our culinary genius knows no bounds, which clearly knows no bounds.

For links and more info, head to the main episode page: http://nerdyshow.com/2016/06/nerdy-show-265-fish-bun/