Hart Family Vault 6.24.16: Josh Barnett pt. 2, Bret v 1-2-3 Kid From RAW '94, #AskTheHitman, More

Jun 24, 2016, 03:10 PM


Hart Family Vault 6.24.16 Host: WWE Hall of Famer Bret "Hitman" Hart Co-hosts: Blade Hart & Nick Hausman Guest: Josh Barnett

Today's episode starts with Bret talking about how fans can help put The Hart Foundation in to the WWE Hall of Fame.

He then dives in to the “Hart Family Vault” to discuss his 1994 Monday Night RAW classic against the 1-2-3 Kid.

Bret, Blade & Nick then play part two of their interview with former UFC Heavyweight Champion Josh Barnett

During the second part of their conversation they discuss:

Bret’s match against The British Bulldog at Wembley Stadium Fans that try to take control of the wrestling in the ring Brock Lesnar’s return to UFC Josh’s take on why Bret was never an MMA fighter The rumored sale of UFC Whether Bret thinks Vince McMahon would ever sell WWE More…

This episode then wraps up with Bret giving his "4 Out Of 10" for the week as well as answering some questions from lucky fans.

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