Ep. 32 The Continuum of Eugene (NSFW)

Jul 21, 2016, 01:55 AM


Jeff returns this week and we all once again thank the super-funny Dave Willis for joining us last week. A few topics we discussed: There’s just not enough time in the day to watch everything, or anything Jeff has already seen. Tim, on the other hand, has no problem watching reruns; just like his Nana did.

Tim isn’t into the “post show” talk show thing (Talking Dead, etc.) but doesn’t care that you are.

We talk Mr. Robot and discuss theories from the Season 2 two-parter. Before we can finish, Stephanie gets stuck in St. Elsewhere, leading us through Dallas while making a right at “things Tim & Jeff used to do in high school”. A fun journey! We then wrap up Mr. Robot and the gang tries to sell Tim (and you) on The Night Of (HBO).

Tim will shampoo your hair at MaryToddHairCo.Com as any celebrity you like, even “Curtis Washington”. Steph offers up some Detroit area Better Made Brand BBQ potato chips - Paul Stanley gives them two thumbs up.

Preacher! Holy crap is this a great show or what? SPOILERS ABOUND.

We talk a little bit about the GOP Convention & President Bush explains why he and his family couldn’t make it to Cleveland.

Star Trek - Will it be good? We hope so. Steph thinks “Q” from TNG is called, “Eugene”.

Star Wars - Tim & Ira watched it again & LOVED it. Also, don’t mess with Leslie Jones.

Rest in peace, Garry Marshall. Thank you for the years of entertainment.

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Mary Todd Hairdressing Company: http://www.marytoddhairco.com/

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#StarWars #StarTrekBeyond #GarryMarshall #HappyDays #GOPinCLE #GOP #Convention #GeorgeWBush #BarberShop #Preacher #MrRobot #TheNightOf #BetterBrand #PotatoChips #HBO #StrangerThings #ScottBaio #StElsewhere #LeslieJones #Ghostbusters