Virtual Futures (almost featuring Luke Robert Mason)

Episode 43,   Jul 31, 2016, 05:15 PM


This week we look towards the future with a 'virtual' Luke Robert Mason, co-founder and director of Virtual Futures. We bring you the top 5 futurist predictions for 2100, a coin-tossing Freakonomics Experiment to help us decide our own future, and explore the power of language in science, shaping how we think about the world. We also discuss the ultimate question - what does it mean to be human in the 21st century?!

Plus the hidden message in some backwards Taylor Swift, 'dark' and 'intelligent' science news, and of course, our weekly brainteaser!

#science #mixtape #experiment #live #radio #virtual #future #futurist #prediction #2100 #human #technology #21stcentury