GLR test - 1988
GLR, Greater London Radio, had its roots in BBC Radio London which had launched in 1970.
Doing 'local radio' in a big city, however, is a challenge; all the more so in London, where London news is, all too often, also National news. In failing to find its 'local radio' niche, it has veered off over the years to become BBC London Live, Radio London, or maybe BBC London 94.9. I hold the view that listeners, actually, decide what they are going to call their radio station, however you choose to place your frequency.
Just like at so many problem stations, though, challenge prompts innovative solutions and healthy radio germs.
The GLR period was the most radical of the station identities, on-air from 1988 to 2000. It was run by Matthew Bannister, with Trevor Dann alongside, both of whom were about to be similarly radical at Radio One. On-air, presenters like Chris Evans and Danny Baker set an irreverent tone.