Life Unravels After Rape - FABRIC a PLAY by ABI ZAKARIAN Gorgeous Entertainment with DONNA FREED
New Play, Fabric, by playwright Abi Zakarian with Donna Freed on Radio Gorgeous
Playing all throughout August at Underbelly at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Abi Zakarian's new play exposes the unravelling of a young woman's life after she is raped. She was commissioned to write the one-woman show for actor Nancy Sullivan and director Tom O'Brien. The three of them create a riveting drama through Abi's pitch perfect script, Nancy's massive and raw talent and powerful direction from Tom.
Follow: @AbiZakarian
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Fabric at Underbelly at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival August 2016
Playwright Abi Zakarian
Creative collaboration: Actor Nancy Sullivan and director Tom O'Brien #Edinburgh #EdinburghFringe #Theatre #Women