20th August 2016 - Fevzi Turkalp the Gadget Detective joins BBC Berkshire to discuss the latest tech news

Aug 20, 2016, 12:28 PM


The Gadget Detective joins Howard Hughes on Radio Berkshire to discuss the latest tech news. This week; Ford announces plans to produce driverless cars for the consumer market, how will this change the way we use our cars? Plus Intel goes into ARM manufacturing, opening their factories to produce chips for mobile devices.

Gadget of the Week is Ulysses, a fully featured word-processor for Mac OS and iOS that allows cross platform use that's ideal for authors, journalists and bloggers. It scored a very respectable 4 out of 5.

Fevzi can be heard on Radio Berkshire every Saturday around 7.40am for the latest tech news, plus you can follow him and ask advice on Twitter @gadgetdetective

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