A Beginner's Guide to Wills

Episode 305,   Sep 08, 2016, 10:26 AM


Satyadasa, in association with the Abhayaratna Trust, presents an introductory workshop on wills, will writing, and the issues that arise for anyone considering passing on their own legacy. If you've ever wondered how to navigate the sea of legal complexity that surrounds the process of what happens to our money and possessions after we die, this is a great starting point!

Much of the information given in this workshop is related primarily to the legal situation in the UK, though the general principles outlined may be relevant in other countries.

The information given in this workshop is is not intended as legal advice and should not be seen as a replacement for obtaining legal advice in your country of residence or anywhere else.

Satyadasa is a non-practising solicitor and will writer for Greengage Wills in the UK. Contact him at greengatewills@gmail.com.

Support the Abhayaratna Trust: http://abhayaratnatrust.org

The details covered in this workshop are: 01 Introduction; Why you should write a will 02 Executors and trustees 03 Types of gifts given by will 04 Charities and families 05 Trusts and reasons to use them in wills; Inheritance tax (death duties) 06 Living wills or advanced medical directives; lasting power of attorney 07 Q & A - The proper storage of wills 08 Q & A - Solicitors holding wills and selling probate services 09 Q & A - Is it worth going to a solicitor for a will if you don't have much? 10 Q & A - What if I have assets in Europe or internationally? 11 Q & A - Life-interest trusts 12 Q & A - Leaving money to a charity; gift aid and inheritance tax 13 Q & A - Challenging wills 14 Q & A - Re-writing wills 15 Q & A - Issues with using informal processes of trust instead of wills 16 Q & A - Life-interest trusts and inheritance tax 17 Q & A - Wills between different legal systems (eg Scotland and England) 18 Q & A - More on inheritance tax and property 19 Q & A - Funeral arrangements in wills 20 Q & A - Workplace pensions and wills 21 Q & A - Arrranging lasting power of attorney

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