AYP 15: "From Offa's Dyke (Stop It!)"

Sep 13, 2016, 10:40 PM


Season 2, Episode 5. Remember last week, when our trusty twosome told you of their fatigue for what populates 'Top 100 Albums' lists? Well, one week on, guess what? That still stands! John and Mike give you the first of their Post-Millennial Albums that they feel are worthy of inclusion in any countdown. Kind of in the form of an album swap, they give give you 'Worlds Apart' by ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead, and 'Rated R' by Queens Of The Stone Age. In the acronym stakes alone, Mike takes this round by storm, with ...AYWKUBTTOD versus QOTSA. None of this prickwittery would be complete without some quality pre-burble about the Metal Gear Solid videogame series, of which John and Mike are both fans. As ever, you can tweet us at @ayppodcast, and don't forget to check out Mike's listening notes at http://ayppodcast.tumblr.com and get a sample of the music we've chatted about. #Podcast #Music #AYWKUBTTOD #QOTSA #WorldsApart #RatedR #MetalGearSolid #Konami #Kojima #SNAAAAAAAAKE