SHOWcast 10/04/2016: Big SHOW Announcement, Gilmore Girls Day, Kim K Saga Real?

Oct 04, 2016, 04:19 PM


From today's #TheShowKC: Is the Kim Kardashian saga real or not? The conspiracy theories fly...and Jen seems to buy into some of them. Truta gets Pinterest-y. A comedian went out as a fake man on the street to tell people Hillary Clinton has dropped out of the race. Jen and Truta announce their next big contest: Six Degrees of The Show. Get a celebrity to call the show between Oct 10-21st and you could win over $1,000 worth of kitchen appliances from Kitchen Aide! And Brandi from The Roasterie drops by to talk about their pop up coffee shops called "Luke's Diner, promoting the new season of Gilmore Girls. Find out what happens when the girls get Truta to play Gilmore Girls trivia!