SHOWcast 10/19/2016: The Sausage Election, Gen X vs Millennial, Shaylee is Smart

Oct 19, 2016, 07:25 PM


From #TheShowKC: Ever had one of those days?? Truta was cursed from the time he woke up Wednesday morning. Candy Crush is being made into a TV show. Truta's kid won't stop climbing the walls. Did Billy Bush get railroaded? The girls are still excited for Christmas. Bob Evans restaurants held the Sausage Election Selection where America had to choose between links or patties. Find out what type of sausage won the popular vote. Also, did links or patties fare better with men or women/Dems or Republicans or Libertarians? To follow up, Truta played the BEST consumer complaint call of all time. "I wanna eat, dammit!" Make sure you listen for the Throwback Throwdown every Thursday morning. You'll get to vote on The Show's Throwback song. The winner will be played at 8:45. Shaylee and listener Jessica play Gen-X vs Millennial. Shaylee doesn't know Madonna....or Video Killed the Radio Star...and later in the show we find out just how confused a young Shaylee was about the movie Walk The Line. Listen and love The Show!