11: Defining Sociopath & Using Forensic Psychology
In this episode Lance Reenstierna and Tim Pilleri talk to University of New Hampshire Professor of Forensic Psychology Doctor Robert Eckstein about forensic psychology and how it can be used in the case of Maura Murray.
Check out and share Chris Peak's new article on Maura Murray: https://medium.com/the-coffeelicious/the-day-she-was-gone-a3574a2c1da6
Please email MissingMauraMurray@gmail.com for information or if you want to contribute to this podcast or documentary.
If you'd like to leave us a voicemail with your theory to be played on the show in a future episode, please call 872-25M-AURA or 872-256-2872
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Visit James Renner's blog: http://mauramurray.blogspot.com/
Check out James Renner's book "True Crime Addict" about Maura Murray, due out in May of 2016. (Pre-order it here: http://www.amazon.com/True-Crime-Addict-Mysterious-Disappearance/dp/1250089018)
Please contact the New Hampshire State Police for any leads in their ongoing investigation. Telephone: (603) 223-3860 or (800) NAB-DOPE, Email: isb@dos.nh.gov