#73: Jerrod Carmichael

Oct 03, 2016, 06:58 PM

This week on A Waste of Time with ItsTheReal, we welcome the hilarious Jerrod Carmichael to the Upper West Side! Jerrod (star and creator of NBC's The Carmichael Show, and star of the upcoming Transformers movie) shares his journey from North Carolina shoe salesman to Los Angeles-based major motion picture and television star. He talks buying a one-way ticket to LA, sharing a studio apartment in Hollywood with four other dudes, walking the streets in a car-based city for peace of mind and idea generation, winning over stand-up audiences and his peers, unexpectedly losing his writing partner, selling a TV show to the only place he wanted to end up, meeting Jay Z, Stevie Wonder, John Legend, along the way, and still going back to one Etta James performance video for inspiration. This is a fantastic episode - enjoy!