First Dates, Gen-X vs Millennial, The Election Is Over: SHOWcast 11/09/2016
From #TheShowKC: The post-election daze. We'll try to entertain you and make you forget about it! Shaylee has a first date with her new man tonight. Where do you take first dates? A listener called up and suggested the Nelson Atkins Museum -- great! Then we had Brandon on the phone. Brandon has been dropping $100-300 PER DATE for a bunch of women who eventually ghost on him! Hear Brandon's story and then hear about the girls who want to get hooked up with him. He's dropping cash on helicopter rides, Plaza III dinners...Truta wants to date him! Listener Eric calls up to play Gen-X vs Millennial. We award tickets in the third row to TSO. There is almost a fire in our building.