November 20th, 2016 - Los Angeles Mission

Nov 18, 2016, 04:16 PM


Herb Smith, the President of the L.A. Mission talks about the Mission's Thanksgiving meal for the homeless on November 23rd, that provides a huge outdoor dining experience for the 2,500 to 3,000 guests who come. The meal is being overseen by Chef Timothy Hollingsworth of Otium in downtown LA, along with a group of other well-known chefs from the area. They will be distributing blankets, tarps and hygiene kits to participants. On a normal day the Mission prepares and serves between 1,500 and 1,800 meals and provides emergency lodging for men, along with clothing distribution and showers on a daily basis. The L.A. Mission has a long-term rehabilitation program for men and also offers a long-term program for women at the Anne Douglas Center for Women, named for Mrs. Kirk Douglas. Hear more about the services and programs provided by the L.A, Mission and how you can help.