‘New normal’ in politics, EUR was overvalued – ADVFN

Dec 05, 2016, 12:29 PM


Renzi’s resignation is the third biggest political disruption of 2016. The financial markets have been remarkably resilient in digesting the political disruptions.

What is behind the resilience? Clem Chambers, Founder of ADVFN believes this is the new normal in the ‘global politics’.

While talking about the forex markets, Chambers says the EUR was remarkably resilient (overvalued) given the ECB is expanding its balance sheet via unprecedented QE.

Check out the full segment to know if the changing face of the global politics and the fate of the Euro and Pound.

#politics, #economics, #stocks, #equities, #forex, #EUR, #GBP, #QE, #ECB, #BOE, #centralbanks, #trading, #investing