Working With Our Youth - Frenchi

Season 1, Episode 28,   Dec 15, 2016, 03:57 PM


Frenchi is a 25 year old Boricua from Chicago who is making moves in the field of education within Chicago Public Schools. She started working with at risk youth that are Wards of the State, but then transitioned to a role as Dean of Students at a high school. We discuss her experiences working with high school students as a young professional and the importance of caring for students. The crew also gets into a good convo regarding mental health and depression in Nuestra Comunidad.

Enjoy the podcast Familia!

Hosted by Christian, Vfig, Nati, & Carlos Twitter/IG/FB: @LaVerdadLtd

#Chicago #ChicagoPublicSchools #CPS #LaVerdad #Boricua #Dean #MentalHealth #Education #Latinos