The one where we say goodbye to 2016
2016- the year of death? In this episode Luke and Lucy take a look back over the events of 2016 from the Euros to Donald Trump’s election victory. Lucy reveals if she actually stuck to her new year’s resolution and Luke wonders if he’s drank more alcohol than ever before. Luke and Lucy dissect the UK’s most googled things for 2016 and Lucy is surprised at the outcome. Some of the biggest deaths have happened this year and Luke and Lucy learn about the ones that weren’t so big. Plus how would you sum up 2016 in one word? Luke and Lucy give it a go!
#trump #2016 #happynewyear #nye2016 #bowie #NYE16 #presidenttrump #euros2016 #olympics2016 #brexit #euref #donaldtrump #Hilaryclinton #usa #uk #google #death #deaths #radio #podcast #men #women