Chris Clem’s Cavs Cast #84 – 12/22/16

Season 1, Episode 9,   Dec 22, 2016, 02:08 PM


I went back to Milwaukee to see the Cavs play again, and this time I brought Rodescu Hopkins! Here about our trip as we break down this Bucks back-to-back and I try to explain how non-stressful this season has been. - JR Smith's injury

-Thon Maker

-On the Road with Rodescu

  • Cavs Stress

and more!

#cavs #basketball #comedy #Milwaukee #CheeseCurds #Delly #LeBron #JR #Cleveland #Akron #Rodescu #Hopkins #GreekFreak #Giannis #Parker #ChrisClem #Champions #Christmas #Champions #WHOA