NFAND Episode 27 - Danny Rivera, beloved vocalist and Caribbean icon
This episode 26, is a Spanish podcast with an English intro. Here is my mom, pops and I sitting around mom’s dining table a few days ago.
In this episode dad and I talk about one of my theories on why I’ve lost my “joie” for holidays in general, his love for Christmas, his Pido Paz album, childhood and Christmas in Puerto Rico in the 1950s, a song for Sister Isolina Ferré, and all the while Bebe, my mother, throws her wisdom of historical references. She didn’t “want to be” interviewed but she spoke anyway. ‘Tis her style to let her voice be heard. I owe her so much I can’t even, I’ll save her for Mother’s Day. Dad is incredible. At 71 his voice is solid, mature, profound and uncracked. A beast. He’ll get more episodes, I mean he’s a series onto itself.
Later today, I’m spending Christmas with my parents for the first time in over 35 years. Amazing and beautiful. I’m verklempt and grateful. Here’s to wishing you all a Merry season and a prosperous and bountiful year 2017. Resist neo-fascism