Tim's top five Brexit takeaways

Episode 30,   Jan 03, 2017, 07:00 AM


For our 30th episode, co-host Tim Heming reveals the five things he has learned from Brexit and doing a podcast about one of the most divisive political events in modern history. We touch on his frustration about people's intransigence, the difference between complacent and active optimism and on whether Brexit will mean a crisis for comedians because reality is finally stranger than fiction. We also open the ability of this podcast to be impartial up for discussion so, as always, do feel free to throw in your two cents.

#Podcast #Brexit #BrexitPodcast #Referendum #EUReferendum #VoteLeave #VoteRemain #VoteIn #EU #UK #TimHeming #JenniferHahn #News #Politics #comedy #education #post-truth #impartial #ireland #hardborder #optimism #intransigence