Creeds Cross: The Celtic Journey - a Celtic stage show coming to the UK
They've worked collectively with the likes of All Saints, Cilla Black, Julian Lennon, Sharon Corr and Shane MacGowan amongst others and ahead of their first stage show at The Hawth in Crawley, we chat to Bart Foley - frontman of UK based Celtic band Creeds Cross.
We talk about the inspiration for the show, the dangers of having two left feet and ... Ed Sheeran?!?
To find out more about the Creeds Cross: The Celtic Journey tour see
What's the Craic is a weekly Irish radio show that broadcasts on Brighton's RadioReverb on 97.2FM, DAB and online at See for showtimes. You can follow us on Twitter at @whatsthecraicrr or on for up to date news on whats coming up on the show and to get in touch with us.
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