Immigration 101: Know Your Rights - Rigo Fernandez
Our 34th episode is an important one considering all the immigration news in the media today. We are joined by Rigo Fernandez, who is a Board Member for Chicago's 49th Ward Democratic Party. He talks about the importance of understanding the rights immigrants have. Other topics include Chicago as a Sanctuary City and what to do if stopped by the police.
This information is very important so be sure to take notes or share with a friend who finds this useful.
Resource link discussed:
Note: Immigration advice given in the episode is largely based on personal experiences and limited knowledge. We strongly urge you to contact an immigration lawyer for more concrete answers.
Hosted by Christian, Vfig, Nati, & Carlos Twitter/IG/FB: @LaVerdadLtd
#Chicago #Immigration #Sanctuary City #Mexicans #Latinos #RigoFernandez