Markets underestimating inflation & the response from BOJ, BOE, ECB - ADMISI

Feb 10, 2017, 01:11 PM


Marc Ostwald, Strategist at ADMISI, challenges widespread belief that other central banks would be slow to respond to rising inflation expectations even if the Fed hikes at a faster rate. He is joined by Tip TV Presenter Zak Mir and Matt Brown, Independent Market Strategist.

Key points

Markets are underestimating inflation Trump’s fiscal spending and (potential) protectionist policies could lead to a faster rise in inflation that expected. Fed then would be forced to hike rates at a faster rate leading to USD strength something that Trump administration would not appreciate, thus other central banks may come under fire and would feel pressurised to respond quickly. Trump is trying to overwhelm the system Greek crisis: they have to kick the can down the road before Feb. 20

#markets, #investing, #centralbanks, #Fed, #BOJ, #BOE, #ECB, #interestrate, #inflation, #Trump, #macro, #indicator, #economy, #fundamentals, #Greece, #debtcrisis, #Europe, #US, #UK, #politics