Oh Frexit! Down goes the Euro - BGC Partners
French election uncertainty and the widening Franco-German yield spread is in the driver’s seat as far as EUR/USD exchange rate is concerned.
Mike Ingram, Strategist at BGC Partners, calls the French Presidential Election a “a three-horse race” and explains the bearish impact of the widening Franco-German bond yield spread and the rise in the French 2-yr credit default swap on the EUR/USD pair.
Ingram also takes a close look at the tight correlation between the EUR/USD pair and EUR/USD 2-year currency basis swap.
Ingram is joined by Shaun Richards from Not A Yes Man Economics and Tip TV’s Zak Mir.
#France, #Frexit, #elections, #macro, #EUR/USD, #bonds, #yield #curve, #forex, #currencies, #trading, #markets, #commodities, #equities, #stocks, #Fed